Bands that are able to evade pigeon-holing in terms of genre are bands that are often quite far and few between. Toulouse-based RIVI 7868;RE are certainly one of those hidden gems.
Whilst the four-piece's music has its roots firmly in the post-rock/progressive metal world, there are strong elements of post-hardcore, alternative metal and, amazingly, 80s electro. Together with influences of Karnivool, Deftones and Tool, RIVI 7868;RE's material makes for an immensely interesting and satisfying listen.
A band that is essentially completely fresh on the rock and metal scene, RIVI 7868;RE have spent the last two years working tirelessly on their debut release, 'Heal', which they are finally ready to unleash upon a very unsuspecting audience. Hypnotic, crushing and full to the brim with sass, this bold debut release will take all by surprise. If you don't know who RIVI 7868;RE are now, you sure as hell will after you've given 'Heal' a spin.
The album will be released via Basick January 20th 2017. First single, 'Golden Wounds', was released October 28th and will shortly be followed by second single, New Cancer , December 2nd 2016.